A Narcissist’s Flying Monkeys…Narcissist’s in Training.
That old saying… ‘A chain is only as strong as its weakest link' has a lot of truth to it.
Flying monkeys often have strong narcissistic traits themselves, including a need for attention, even if it is negative, a lack of empathy, and a desire to bully and manipulate others.
I have experienced this first-hand, but I also came to realize that on rare occasions, a flying monkey is not even aware they are unknowing participants in the narcissist’s quest to destroy you. Some, much like a narcissist, truly believe the lies they have been fed. The most dangerous people are those who do evil and actually believe they are doing good. These flying monkeys are doing the narcissist’s bidding, helping to execute smear campaigns, believing the lies, because they have yet to realize the pwNPD is not their friend. Narcissists do not have friends. They have unaware cheering sections who have yet to experience their insidious ways. Some of them. And some are just as bad as the narcissist. Equally nefarious, unaware and entitled.
Flying monkeys usually do not ask for cold, hard facts when doing the dirty work for a narcissist, they take what they say at face value and perpetuate the lies, the smear campaign…the whole thing that victims of narcissistic abuse have to endure.
Usually, the narcissist eventually turns on them as well. In the end, many narcissists are left with no one. That is when the weakest link in their once seemingly strong chain is broken and the victim hopefully has found peace and the narcissist is left alone with no one left to believe their lies. Eventually, everyone will leave the narcissist, even their once loyal henchman…their flying monkeys.
The flying monkey’s loyalty is often based on fear of the narcissist’s wrath rather than genuine affection for them. So it doesn’t really matter if they are willing are unwilling participants…they are not good people. When deciding to go no contact, you must cut all ties with anyone associated with the narcissist. This might seem difficult, at first, but always remember…’birds of a feather flock together.’ Narcissists feel more at home with people that at best turn a blind eye to their toxic behavior, and at worst are equally as toxic. They do not feel comfortable being around decent people who are critical thinkers and have the courage of their convictions to call out bad behavior. Flying monkeys will never call out their bad behavior. Sometimes, they simply do not see it. And sometimes they see it and actually enjoy the drama, the gossip…basically, the behavior of a sixth grader in Junior High School. You know the ones. We all do…
When you begin to view these people that way, they become far less threatening. They actually become pretty comical. And there will come a time after your experience with them that instead of the tears you have become accustomed to, you will find laughter in its place. You will smile again one day. And the narcissist, as well as their flying monkeys will become a faint memory.