How Often Does a Narcissist Change?
A narcissist does not change. Ever. No matter how much you love them, no matter how much hope you have you must understand that it is an impossibility.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is listed in the DSM-5 among many other personality disorders, some which are similar but not entirely. There have been many studies where NPD is concerned and I have spoken to many professionals about it…I have yet to hear of one success story. Not one.
Therapy is not an option. Even if you could actually get them to go, more than likely, the majority of their time would be spent trying to manipulate the therapist into thinking that the problem lies within the other person. A narcissist is go gifted where lying is concerned that I believe after a period of time, even the best therapist would be fooled.
Medications have been tried. Mostly anti depressants and mood stabilizers. None have worked that I am aware of.
I understand that if a person truly loves a pwNPD, they believe their love will be enough…that they will be able to save them. It does not matter how giving, loving, generous or kind you are…a person with narcissistic personality disorder is unable to change simply because they do not see the errors in their ways. They believe everyone else is the problem. They have no emotional intelligence. They take zero responsibility for their behavior and all the love in the world is not going to change that.
I wish I could have given you a different answer…but that is honestly the truth and the sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you can go on with your life, ridding yourself of anguish and remorse. It is no life for anyone to lead and I hope for the sake of anyone still holding on to hope you begin to understand that love does not equate to torture and devastation. You deserve so much more than that.