If a narcissist has the ability to learn, why can’t they learn the way they think is not like everyone else?
Reading facts in some random book is not the same as reading something either clinical or just ‘hits home’ and having enough self awareness to realize that you are reading about your own life.
You can have a personality disorder, npd…and possibly enjoy reading biographies. Or reading about art or philosophy. But I truly do not believe that a pwNPD has enough self awareness to even recognize that a negative description of one's self could be applied to his or hers own life.
And if they actually did have a shred of self awareness, the last thing they would ever do is admit fault. Any short coming or frailty….that is a weakness and that brings us full circle. Seeing yourself as weak is the personification of shame. Shame is at the core of these people…so, it’s either not recognizing it at all, or deny, deny deny.