Is it Common for Narcissists to Have an Obsession with Other People’s Eating Habits?
After a period of time, a narcissist will obsess about anything they know will get a rise out of you…and most especially…if you have always had some issue with something in particular and they know it, that's their most favorite thing of all….
For instance, if you are a woman and you had issues with your eating habits (perhaps you once suffered with an eating disorder, though it doesn't have to be something so severe) they will bring it up, make you feel bad about it, even if you have moved past it and put it behind you.
They will have an obsession about anything good or bad…as long as you care about it in some way.
If it is a good obsession…(your favorite music, people, etc.) they will try and turn it into something bad…
If it is a bad (or unhealthy) obsession, they will make you feel even worse about it…yes…even your eating habits.