What things do narcissists love to show off?
They love to show off how ‘enlightened' they are. All wise. All knowing. That is one of their favorites.
They love to show off their intelligence, only at a certain point you come to find though maybe they have read a few books, they don’t know very much at all.
There are obvious examples…money, status, a successful marriage and home life, an attractive partner, their cars and their homes, but those are easy…
They love to show off that they are always right. They know the truth and most people just don’t get it because they are simply on a different level than most people.
What they fail to mention are the same mistakes they have made over and over throughout their lives. Repeating the exact same patterns and every time the ending is a disaster.
They do not mention mistakes they have made because in their eyes they are perfect and any unfortunate event was never their fault. They were ‘duped' or ‘manipulated’ and these were all terrible, awful people…
But when you think about it…
If this person who claims to have all the answers has no real success to speak of, not one successful relationship, no special people in their lives, you have to wonder…what exactly is so special about this ‘Enlightened’ person…and the answer is…nothing.