Why do people assume that actors and musicians are narcissists?
Because they are in the public eye, so naturally people would think they love the spotlight. But that isn’t always the case.
Some of my friends who are professional musicians are actually quite shy. They can barely speak to anyone after a show. They are humble and kind and though I’m sure it makes them happy that their music made others happy, they can hardly even handle receiving a compliment!
I have heard of many very famous, talented actors who can not even watch a single performance after they are done completing a movie. They did their job (their craft) and as far as they are concerned hopefully they did their best…(but we are all our own worst critics in a way, I think. )
On a personal note, I was a performer most of my life. A Singer-Songwriter. Performing was a way to earn a living but that was not what I loved most…not even close.
I Ioved creating. I loved expressing myself. I loved being a part of something so much bigger than me. I loved learning from the amazing and talented people I had the honor of working with. I loved that a song I wrote became a part of someone else. It was the only way I knew how to make a living, but the ‘performance’ had very little to do with the feeling that music held in my heart.
Of course there will always be actors/musicians with narcissistic tendencies. And bee keepers. Parents. Lawyers. Bakers. Candlestick makers.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. Some of the best musicians I know can not even stand to hear a live recording of themselves…I’m grateful I’m not that bad!